Design Her Travel

Part One: The First Person to Travel to Every Country Without Flying w/ Thor Pedersen - Once Upon a Saga #59

Kim Anderson Episode 59

Today, we're kicking off an epic two-part series with Thor Pedersen - the first person ever to travel to every country in the world without stepping foot on an airplane!

Sounds impossible, right? Thor made it happen with his Once Upon A Saga project as he traveled the globe as an Ambassador of the Danish Red Cross.

What started as a four-year adventure turned into almost a decade of extraordinary experiences, wrapping up in the Maldives on May 23rd, 2023.

In part one of this two-part series, Thor spills the beans on what it's like to live on the road with just a $20-a-day budget, the incredible kindness of people he met along the way, and the darker side of his travels – dealing with corruption and navigating through political unrest and extremely challenging visa situations.

We get into the nitty-gritty of how Thor kept going when his journey stretched far beyond the planned four years. How does one mentally and physically prepare to be away for so long? What’s it like to see your four-year plan explode into almost ten? What are the takeaways?

Thor's insights give us a fascinating peek into the world of long-term travel and what it teaches you about patience, resilience, and ourselves. 


  • Strategy for a project this big
  • A 7,000-mile detour
  • The corruption of money and power
  • Those who have the least give the most
  • The Red Cross

Connect with Thor at Once Upon a Saga, Website, Instagram
Learn more about the Red Cross

📚 Endurance by Alfred Lansing

13:17- Sometimes when undertaking a big journey in life, the body returns home, but sometimes it takes the mind much longer to get there. 

25:40 -  When visiting a war-torn country, things may appear normal only to the point that something goes wrong

26:52 - In countries that have been divided by conflict or experience extreme hardship, there is still a message of hope, and it's possible to be met with kindness

31:05 -  Sometimes in life those with the least give or help the most

44:48 -  When visiting another country, learn three words of the language that country speaks: Hello, thank you, and sorry can go a long way. 

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